I loved this letter to editor which appears in today's Wall Street Journal:
Islam in PracticeExcellent work, Mr. Biehl!
According to Mr. Moeser, chancellor of UNC at Chapel Hill, requiring the reading of parts of the Koran is fulfilling the responsibility of the university is to provide students "with an atmosphere in which they can deepen their sense of themselves and the complex, often contradictory world around them" (Letters to the Editor, Aug. 20). To that end, may I suggest that the program include a study of the genocide and forced slavery in Sudan, or how Islam has brought its version of "peace" to Lebanon, Nigeria, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Balkans, as well as a consideration of democracy and human rights in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, et al. Interviews with those attempting to practice a religion other than Islam in Islamic countries would be enlightening, along with interviews of women, or family members of those who have disappeared at the hands of these "enlightened" governments. Video clips of the numerous celebrations in various Muslim countries at the destruction of the Twin Towers and the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans would also be instructive.
Alan Biehl