Friday, May 19, 2006

Major ::What Next?:: Announcement! [Updated]

I have exciting news: On May 19, 2006 at about 2:50 pm (CDT) on the top of Mt. Bonnell overlooking the Colorado River, I asked my sweatheart if she would marry me.

Sara said "Yes!"

We're both very happy, and looking forward to a lifetime of adventure. Special thanks to Jessica who was instrumental in making this a surprise. I'm deeply grateful for the help!

The present wedding target date is March 10, 2007. Here are a few pictures to memorialize the event (click to enlarge):

The Proposal

The Kiss

The View

The Ring

A surprised fiancée

Very Happy Couple

[UPDATE: Here are a few more photos courtesy our friend Jessica.]

A little celebration followed

First engagement toast

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

John 14:15-26

Watch the video

A hermeneutical bridge into John 14:15-26. This short movie is meant to visually represent the relationship between Jesus' love command (13:34) and the Paraclete (introduced at 14:16). I chose a variety of images and set them to the Thomas Tallis' (ca 1510-1585) mystical piece entitled "If Ye Love Me."

My translation:
(14:15) If you love me, my commands you all will keep. (16) And I will ask the Father, and another Helper he will give to you all, so that he might be with you all to the end. (17) This is the spirit of truth, which the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You all know him because he remains with you all, and he will be in you all. (18) I will not leave you all orphans. I am coming to you all. (19) In a small time the world no longer sees me, but you all see me; because I live, you all also will live. (20) In that day, you all will know that I [am] in my Father, and you in me and [I] in you all. (21) The one having the commands of me and keeping them, that one is the one loving me; the one loving me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and I will make myself visible to him.

(22) Judas (not Iscariot), said to him, “Lord, what has happened, that you are about to reveal yourself to us and not to the world? (23) Jesus answered and said to him, “If a certain person loves me, my word he will keep, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and we will make a room with him. (24) The one not loving me does not keep my word, and the word which you all hear is not mine but is of the Father, the one having sent me.

(25) These things I have said to you all while still abiding with you all. (26) But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, that one will teach everything to you all, and will remind you all of everything which I said to you all.
All work for the semester has been completed!

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Power of Jesus Christ

I came across this great photo while searching for Holy Spirit iMovie fodder. Great work.
The Power of Jesus Christ
Originally uploaded by 7sam.
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Bill Cosby Scolds Christians

One gets the sense that comedian Bill Cosby is fed up. The following appeared in the Washington Post today:
Entertainer Bill Cosby yesterday chastised churchgoers who preach religion but fail to confront problems that plague their communities.

Speaking at the University of the District of Columbia, Cosby emphasized the importance of social responsibility and urged his audience to keep a vigilant eye on their children. The District is one stop on a nationwide speaking tour that has taken the controversial comedian to 18 cities over the past year and a half.

His appearance in Washington came almost two years to the day after he took the stage of Constitution Hall and triggered a contentious national debate when he criticized poor African Americans for speaking ungrammatically and failing to raise children properly.

Cosby made no mention of those remarks yesterday. But he continued his message that salvation lies within communities, rather than outside.

"I have no problem with Jesus or God," he said in the afternoon as he addressed an audience that included many foster parents and grandparents and social service providers. "I have a problem with people sitting there and saying that Jesus and God will find the way. I have a problem with Christian men who won't dress up and go down and confront the drug dealers."

"I got a problem," Cosby added, "with people not knowing where the gun is hid and that the child has one."
Cosby's community responsibility challenge continued with a message to those who ignore their children.
Cosby said: "I'm calling you out, and I'm holding you accountable. If you're having a problem, visit the Jesus in your heart."
That's a good message for all of us, regardless of background.

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Monday, May 15, 2006

BBC Interview Confusion - Video

[Update: Click here to watch the video if the links below don't work.]

Are you stressed and need a quick, fun break? If the answer is "yes," then check this out (via
Two Guys
Guy Goma was waiting in the reception area at the BBC's headquarters in London the other day when someone came in looking for a guy named Guy. The Mail on Sunday reports that Goma raised his hand, whereupon he was "ushered into a studio and fitted with a microphone" for an interview.

The producer had the wrong Guy, and Goma was introduced as Guy Kewney, "an IT journalist and founder of" who was scheduled for an appearance to comment on a trademark lawsuit between the Beatles' Apple Corps and Apple computer. The video (which you can download or stream) is hilarious; the look of panic on Goma's eyes when he realizes what's going on is priceless.

But he quickly regains his composure. "Were you surprised by this verdict today?" asks the hostess? Replies Goma:

"I am very surprised to see this verdict to come on me, because I was not expecting that. When I came, they told me something else."

Goma then answers a couple of more questions by talking about the wonders of the Internet--a subject he knows something about, since, as Kewney reports, Goma "was applying for a high level IT job with the BBC."

The producer who mistook Goma for Kewney obviously had no idea what the latter looks like. Goma is black, a Congolese national, while Kewney is white and bearded.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Final Stretch

Business abounds. I have one paper left to complete, an advanced exegesis for John 14:15-26. :: Cranking ::