Friday, December 10, 2004


From's "Tony & Tacky":
DOGGIE BAGGED: A police dog in Minneapolis has been temporarily relieved of duty after biting a naked suspect in the groin. The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports that the dog was deployed as cops chased a nude man who was trying to enter houses and that even after being chomped and Tasered, the man continued to fight. Although the dog followed its training, biting only after its handler was struck by the suspect, it has been put on the canine equivalent of administrative leave "while the incident is being reviewed."
Poor dog.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Missing San Francisco

Careful now.

We're dealing here with a myth.

This city is a point upon a map of fog;

Lemuria in a city unknown.

Like us,

It doesn't quite exist.

- Ambrose Bierce


Originally uploaded by john curley.

International Jihad Reform Act of 2004

The International Jihad Reform Act of 2004 creates a new Cave-level post (similar to a U.S. cabinet-level post) of Global Intelligence Director and a Global Counter-Counter-Terrorism Center to coordinate information from the far-flung network of terror cells that have done a poor job of communicating across cell walls.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Classes Have Ended - Finals Are Next

12 weeks of lectures and mid-terms exams came to an end last Friday, and I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed. We're now in the midst of "Reading Week," a time to prepare ourselves for three major final exams: Systematic Theology, Old Testament, and Church History. The exams are scheduled for next Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, respectively.

Then, Christmas!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Something's Wrong with Kansas? Uh, no.

Regarding Thomas Frank's popular, "What's the Matter with Kansas?":
"It's possible his view of us is outdated," says Jim Martin, executive director of the Shawnee [Kansas] Economic Development Council, in classic Midwestern understatement.
I won't be buying Frank's book.

Polity Bowl Results

The annual fall classic "Polity Bowl," featuring the students of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (APTS) and the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (ETSS), was played last Saturday, December 4, at the grounds of St. Andrews Episcopal Middle School. The following partially-redacted scripture appeared on the Polity Bowl t-shirts this year:
[The Lord] will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball...

Isaiah 22:18
And thus, both teams were tossed into the fray. The result: Victory for the adherents of the doctrine of total depravity! The Presbyterians seminarians defrocked the wannabee priests of the Episcopal seminary by the score of 30-6 on the strength of a well-rehearsed triple-option play that left the Episcopalian defense in tatters. Congratulations to Coach Andrew and the entire Presbyterian team! And thanks to the gracious hosts from ETSS who provided an excellent Texas BBQ post-game lunch.

UPDATE: Pictures are now available here.