Friday, April 11, 2008

Outline Done

We'll see what happens on Sunday when the Holy Spirit takes charge. In the meantime, I think I'll have a cookie.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Remote Work

Today is "no computer Thursday" at the local coffee purveyor. I think the mind works a bit better at handwriting speed. I'll type up my outline tomorrow afternoon.

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The Resolutions

During his devotional readings, Toby Brown discovers this wonderful gem from Jonathan Edwards. The work is entitled, "The Resolutions."

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Eric Clapton - Faith

I'm always fascinated when an icon of popular culture discusses matters of faith and prayer. John Powell has a great story in Christianity Today about Eric Clapton's faith journey:
From the age of 9 when he learned that he was born out of wedlock to his "auntie" and an unknown Canadian soldier, he struggled to find a safe place. Feelings of isolation and insecurity haunted him throughout life, drawing him to the gritty alienation of the blues. But there is a spiritual side of Clapton that was scarcely known. It almost always influenced what he thought and did, and the kind of music he wrote and played.
An interesting and inspiring story. Now I want to read Clapton's autobiography.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Sabbath Keeping...

...At Whataburger Field. Tonight's contest featured the Corpus Christi Hooks versus the Northwest Arkansas Naturals.

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Christopher Walkin - Self Parody

Some cleverness from SNL:

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