O Key of David,
Scepter over the house of Israel,
you open and no one else can close,
you close and no one can open:
Come to set free the prisoners
who live in darkness and the shadow of death.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Scepter over the house of Israel,
you open and no one else can close,
you close and no one can open:
Come to set free the prisoners
who live in darkness and the shadow of death.
Come, Lord Jesus.
The Key of David. The Shepherd who, by his mercy, admits us into the house wherein the Lord God lives. The Almighty King who gives unmerited grace to those who are prisoners to their sin, captives to their iniquities, convicted in their crimes. He comes for those who are so convinced of their unworthiness that the potential of release seems unfathomable. And yet, as Gabriel said to Mary, "For God, nothing is impossible." What has been destroyed by sin can be redeemed, because Christ destroyed the power of sin and sin's chief symptom, which is death. May be come soon!