Friday, October 18, 2013

Listening to God's Word

photo credit: <a href="">Findo</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

A wonderful quote from Mark Galli at Christianity Today:
Whenever the Bible is read, a hush should come over us. We should be inching toward the edge of our seats, leaning forward, turning our best ear toward the speaker, fearful we'll miss a single word—the deeds and words and character of Almighty and Merciful God are being revealed! In a world of suffering and pain, of doubt and despair, of questions about the meaning and purpose of existence, we are about to hear of God's glory, forgiveness, mercy and love, of his intention for the world, of his promise to make it all good in the end, of the way to join his people, of the means to abide with him forever! And there we sit, tapping our feet, mentally telling the preacher to get on with it.
photo credit: Findo via photopin cc 

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

QOTD - C.S. Lewis on "The Crude Monosyllable"

From the wonderful compilation of C.S. Lewis essays entitled The Weight of Glory:
I spoke just now of fiddling while Rome burns. But to a Christian the true tragedy of Nero must be not that he fiddled while the city was on fire but that he fiddled while on the brink of hell. You must forgive me for the crude monosyllable. I know that many wiser and better Christians than I in these days do not like to mention Heaven or hell even in a pulpit. I know, too, that nearly all the references to this subject in the New Testament come from a single source. But then that source is Our Lord Himself. People will tell you it is St. Paul, but that is untrue. These overwhelming doctrines are dominical. They are not really removable from the teaching of Christ or of His Church. If we do not believe them, our presence in this church is great tom-foolery. If we do, we must overcome our spiritual prudery and mention them.
C.S. Lewis. "Learning in War-Time." The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses. HarperCollins: New York, 2001. Page 48.