I wish you all a very Merry Christmas as we wait together for the return of our Savior.
DOGGIE BAGGED: A police dog in Minneapolis has been temporarily relieved of duty after biting a naked suspect in the groin. The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports that the dog was deployed as cops chased a nude man who was trying to enter houses and that even after being chomped and Tasered, the man continued to fight. Although the dog followed its training, biting only after its handler was struck by the suspect, it has been put on the canine equivalent of administrative leave "while the incident is being reviewed."Poor dog.
Careful now. We're dealing here with a myth. This city is a point upon a map of fog; Lemuria in a city unknown. Like us, It doesn't quite exist. - Ambrose Bierce | bridge-and-fog Originally uploaded by john curley. |
The International Jihad Reform Act of 2004 creates a new Cave-level post (similar to a U.S. cabinet-level post) of Global Intelligence Director and a Global Counter-Counter-Terrorism Center to coordinate information from the far-flung network of terror cells that have done a poor job of communicating across cell walls.
"It's possible his view of us is outdated," says Jim Martin, executive director of the Shawnee [Kansas] Economic Development Council, in classic Midwestern understatement.I won't be buying Frank's book.
[The Lord] will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball...And thus, both teams were tossed into the fray. The result: Victory for the adherents of the doctrine of total depravity! The Presbyterians seminarians defrocked the wannabee priests of the Episcopal seminary by the score of 30-6 on the strength of a well-rehearsed triple-option play that left the Episcopalian defense in tatters. Congratulations to Coach Andrew and the entire Presbyterian team! And thanks to the gracious hosts from ETSS who provided an excellent Texas BBQ post-game lunch.
Isaiah 22:18
"Finally, the Dutch will be known for something more than tulips, windmills and wooden shoes," said an unnamed KNMG spokesman. "The Groningen Protocol will simplify all of our lives, end the overpopulation crisis and purify the human gene pool. When you think about it, it's really the ultimate solution."More here.
"I'm not sure where we went wrong," says Ellen McCormack, nervously fondling the recycled paper cup holding her organic Kona soy latte. "It seems like only yesterday Rain was a carefree little boy at the Montessori school, playing non-competitive musical chairs with the other children and his care facilitators."Be sure to read the whole piece here.
"But now..." she pauses, staring out the window of her postmodern Palo Alto home. The words are hesitant, measured, bearing a tale of family heartbreak almost too painful for her to recount. "But now, Rain insists that I call him Bobby Ray."
This is the real battle of our time, indeed the civil war of our time. The Left wants America to become secular like Western Europe, not remain the Judeo-Christian country it has always been. But unlike the Left, I do not admire France and Belgium and Sweden. And that is what the battle over the seal of America's most populous county is ultimately about. It is not about separation of church and state. It is about separation of a county from its history. And it is about separation of America from its moral foundations.Read the whole thing.
The user who visits Wikipedia to learn about some subject, to confirm some matter of fact, is rather in the position of a visitor to a public restroom. It may be obviously dirty, so that he knows to exercise great care, or it may seem fairly clean, so that he may be lulled into a false sense of security. What he certainly does not know is who has used the facilities before him.The Moral of the Story: Verify everything. And make sure you wash your hands.
A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none; a Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all.
This particular quote is from Luther's Works, edited by J. Pelikan and H. T. Lehmann, 1955-1976.
I've done my part at the polls, and so I'm off to study. There will be neither TV nor web surfing until the morning, when I will join you in digesting the results. This news will come as a huge surprise to those of you who know me fairly well, but I've learned my lesson after the 2000 election, when I stayed up all night for no reason as the election took weeks to decide.1 Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul!
2 I will praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God all my life long.
3 Do not put your trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help.
4 When their breath departs, they return to the earth; on that very day their plans perish.
5 Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God,
6 who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps faith forever;
7 who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets the prisoners free;
8 the LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous.
9 The LORD watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
10 The LORD will reign forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise the LORD!
(New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.)
For John Kerry to become President, he has to win 270 of the 538 electoral-college votes.Here's my favorite quote from the piece:
For George W Bush, it's not quite that simple: he's got to win big enough to be outside the margin of lawyer. For example, if he gets 270 and wins New Hampshire's four electoral-college votes very narrowly, the Democrats will sue to flip the state into their column and hand the election to Kerry. If Bush gets 288 or under, the Dems will sue to flip Ohio into the Kerry column. If Bush gets 295 or under, they'll sue to flip Florida.
America cannot be a Greater Belgium or a Greater Canada or a Greater Spain. The only thing that enables Belgium to be Belgium and Canada to be Canada and Spain to be Spain is that America is America. If everyone in the civilised world's torpid and ineffectual and semi-non-aligned, it's not gonna work. Americans will not choose transnational complacency over national resolve.Read the whole thing.
Happiness, all snug, lies fast asleep
As spirits roam the neighborhoods at night,
Let loose upon the Earth till it be light,
Laughing revelers, whom death doth keep.
O spirits lost, who wail but cannot weep,
Wanton worshippers of rage and spite,
Each the unknown author of its plight,
Equal in the pain you sow and reap,
Now come to us from out your vasty deep!
[Copyright by Nicholas Gordon]
Some of you know that I grew up in Salt Lake City. The first big snowfall has arrived there, and my buddy Don thankfully posted a couple of pics. I miss the snow. As I write this, it's 73 degrees in Austin, TX, with a projected high of 83. On October 31. Geez. | First *real* snowfall! Originally uploaded by Don Nunn. |
I love this photo. Someone is an expert with a carving knife. | Halloween Originally uploaded by jasepielli. |
Come, O thou Traveler unknown,There was silence in the room as the hymn ended. Our professor, who always opens each lecture with wonderful liturgical music, said, "I think this hymn beautifully captures the essence of Christian experience." I think everyone there agreed.
Whom still I hold, but cannot see;
My company before is gone,
And I am left alone with thee.
With thee all night I mean to stay,
And wrestle till the break of day.
I need not tell thee who I am;
My sin and misery declare;
Thyself hast call'd me by my name;
Look on thy hands, and read it there:
But who, I ask thee, who art thou?
Tell me thy name, and tell me now.
In vain thou strugglest to get free;
I never will unloose my hold:
Art thou the Man that died for me?
The secret of thy love unfold;
Wrestling, I will not let thee go,
Till I thy name, thy nature know.
What though my shrinking flesh complain,
And murmur to contend so long?
I rise superior to my pain:
When I am weak, then I am strong!
And when my all of strength shall fail,
I shall with the God-man prevail.
John Hawkins: A few Democrats like Zell Miller, Ron Miller, Christopher Hitchens, & Ed Koch have nailed their own party for their non-serious approach to defending our country. Do you think it's more surprising that they've been wiling to nail their own party on national security or that more Democrats haven't been willing to step up and point out the obvious?More scathing interview answers can be found here.
Ann Coulter: Unlike mainstream Democrats, the men you mention are to be commended for having a will to live.
[T]here is no guarantee that a change in administrations would bring either stability or security to the Middle East in the foreseeable future. In fact, changing administrations now might embolden enemies who believe that Americans don't have the stomach or the patience for the kind of protracted, unconventional warfare in which we are engaged.It's certainly not a overwhelming endorsement, but it comes as a big surprise in a town where Kerry/Edwards signs are overwhelmingly prevalent.
Three years after terrorists struck at targets in New York and Washington, we live in a world that looks familiar but is vastly different from the one we knew before Sept. 11, 2001.
President Bush got some things wrong, but there is much he got right. We are faced with an unrelenting foe who strikes from the shadows and won't be deterred by diplomacy or international resolutions. Bush's resolve and commitment to stay the course are clear. As Winston Churchill once said, "When you're going through hell, keep going."
Though Kerry is an honorable man who knows firsthand the horrors of war, he is deluding himself if he thinks a different administration will change the outlook of a foe that doesn't make war on an individual administration, but on the West in general and the United States in particular.
Dubious also is any notion that the United Nations will suddenly start enforcing its own sanctions and resolutions if there is a different occupant in the White House in January.
To conclude once for all, whenever we call God the Creator of heaven and earth, let us at the same time bear in mind that the dispensation of all those things which he has made is in his own hand and power and that we are indeed his children, whom he has received into his faithful protection to nourish and educate. We are therefore to await the fullness of all good things from him alone and to trust completely that he will never leave us destitute of what we need for salvation, and to hang our hopes on none but him! We are therefore, also, to petition him for whatever we desire; and we are to recognize as a blessing from him, and thankfully to acknowledge, every benefit that falls to our share. So, invited by the great sweetness of his beneficence and goodness, let us study to love and serve him with all our heart.Indeed, as I sit here in my office looking out the window, I'm struck by the beauty of creation, given to us in the form of abundant life. What an astonishing, and mind-blowing, gift of grace.
During a late night visit to Austin, a group of Texas Aggie pranksters branded the University's first longhorn mascot "13-0," the score of a football game won by Texas A&M. In order to save face, UT students altered the brand to read "Bevo" by changing the "13" to a "B," the "-" to an "E," and inserting a "V" between the dash and the "0." For years, Aggies have proudly touted the stunt as the reason the steer acquired his name. But was the brand really changed? And is that why he's called Bevo?The real story is much less exciting. The bull actually got it's name from a sports reporter covering the Longhorns' 1916 victory over the school then known as "A&M College," now Texas A&M.
Sorry. Wrong on both counts.
The New York Times (Nagourney/Stevenson) and Howard Fineman on the web both make the same point today: the current Bush attacks on Kerry involve distortions and taking things out of context in a way that goes beyond what Kerry has done.Because this premise originates from the Times, it is accorded the status of Holy Writ by Halperin, who then goes on to say:
Kerry distorts, takes out of context, and mistakes all the time, but these are not central to his efforts to win.Read: Both sides lie, but we're only going to one side accountable.
We have a responsibility to hold both sides accountable to the public interest, but that doesn't mean we reflexively and artificially hold both sides "equally" accountable when the facts don't warrant that.
It's up to Kerry to defend himself, of course. But as one of the few news organizations with the skill and strength to help voters evaluate what the candidates are saying to serve the public interest. Now is the time for all of us to step up and do that right.ABC News serves the public interest, but only by helping Kerry win.
In the past eight days, John Kerry has:And to top it all off, this killer line:
- Announced to a national audience that American actions in defense of national security must pass a "global test";
- Announced that he would sell nuclear fuel to Iran;
- Could not answer, and badly filibustered a question on what he would do if Iran continued to push towards nuclear weapons acquisition;
- Denounced as unilateralism the coalition that George Bush put together to overthrow Iraq, and called for unilateral appeasement of North Korea;
- Compared Iraq to Lebanon, but insisted a summit could entice other countries to join the effort in Iraq, even after the French and the Germans announced they would not do so even if Kerry was elected;
- Twice identified the most pressing proliferation problem as the American effort to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons capable of destroying deep bunkers, thus equating the United States with rogue states like North Korea and Iran and proclaiming hostility to modernization of the American arsenal --vintage Kerry defense thinking;
- Announced plan after plan for which no details exist;
- "Absolutely" pledged not to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $200,000 annually, a pledge that even his most ardent admirers know is either a bald lie or a repudiation of most of his spending plans (e-mailer LL suggests a new Kerry slogan: "Read my flips: no new taxes!");
- Ignored the creation of 1.9 million jobs over the past 13 months and ignored the economic consequences of the Clinton recession and 9/11 attacks while attacking Bush's tax cuts;
- While calling attention to his Catholic status, defended his vote against banning partial birth abortion, called for taxpayer support for abortion, argued that "parental notification" was connected to dads raping daughters and defended the wholesale harvesting of frozen embryos for research purposes --four positions completely opposite of Catholic Church teaching and far outside the American consensus opinion on abortion;
- Actually said "John Edwards and I are for tort reform," and told the American people that lawsuits against doctors are 1% of the health care problem;
- Defensively denied being "wishy washy," a "flip flopper," and a "liberal," while complaining about being branded such by the president;
- Embraced the Kyoto Treaty and called for its resuscitation with amendments;
- Told America that General Shinseki had been fired by Bush and that the firing had a "chilling" effect on all generals, and one day later said Shinseki had been "retired" --not fired-- and left off the "chilling effect" argument --a record one day flip flop;
- Saw his running mate get woodshedded and his campaign try to reverse that blow by arguing that the Vice President should have remembered meeting Edwards;
- Heard his wife assert that American troops were fighting for oil and many other stunning things;
- Watched as Bush did not make a single memorable error in two debates while effectively underscoring Kerry's "global test" pratfall, focusing on Kerry's did-nothing time-serving two decades in the Senate, wrestle the ISG report to its appropriate place in the discussion of the Iraq War, persuade by repeated argument (which the Vice President also helped along) that coalitions can not be led or maintain by derision or democracies built by indecision;
- Watched as Bush effectively and accurately branded KerryCare as an expanded form of HillaryCare;
- Watched as Bush simply and devastatingly branded Kerry as not credible on taxes, spending and most important of all, defending the United States.
If this was a good eight days for Kerry, then November 11, 1864 was a fine day for Atlanta.The entire Hewitt post can be found here. Excellent.
INSTANT DEBATE REACTION!More good news for the War on Terror:
WINNER: BUSH! (and whoever loaded his percolator)
The unasked questions: Is there anything you can ask John Kerry that he doesn't have a plan for? Is his plan to have a plan for everything? If you ask him whether he's concerned that something might come up that he doesn't have a plan for, does he have a plan to deal with things he hasn't planned? Has he planned for the possibility that he might misplace one of his plans?
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - Prime Minister John Howard scored a convincing victory in Australia's federal election Saturday, winning a historic fourth term in a vote ensuring the staunch U.S. ally keeps its troops in Iraq."Exceeding" is a laughable misstatement of what the Australian liberal press "analysts" wanted, which was for Howard to get crushed. "Destroying" would have been a better choice. Lesson: Don't blindly accept the press poll numerology.
With more than 70 percent of votes tallied, Howard appeared likely to increase his government's majority in parliament, exceeding most analysts' predictions that the result would be very tight.
Saddam Hussein believed he could avoid the Iraq war with a bribery strategy targeting Jacques Chirac, the President of France, according to devastating documents released last night.May I agree with Glenn Reynolds (aka "Instapundit")?
Memos from Iraqi intelligence officials, recovered by American and British inspectors, show the dictator was told as early as May 2002 that France - having been granted oil contracts - would veto any American plans for war.
To keep America at bay, he focusing [sic] on Russia, France and China - three of the five UN Security Council members with the power to veto war. Politicians, journalists and diplomats were all given lavish gifts and oil-for-food vouchers.
Tariq Aziz, the former Iraqi deputy prime minister, told the ISG that the "primary motive for French co-operation" was to secure lucrative oil deals when UN sanctions were lifted. Total, the French oil giant, had been promised exploration rights.
Iraqi intelligence officials then "targeted a number of French individuals that Iraq thought had a close relationship to French President Chirac," it said, including two of his "counsellors" for his re-election campaign. [Emphsis added]
It's hard to pass the "Global Test" when the people grading it are being bribed to administer a failing grade. Perhaps Kerry should change his stance, and promise that a Kerry Administration would "outbid the bad guys." That approach is more likely to succeed than the one he's been touting, which even he has admitted is doomed.Claudia Rosett , seemingly the only journalist interested in the UN Oil-for-Fraud scandal, had this to say:
As Duelfer documents, Oil-for-Food allowed Saddam to replenish his empty coffers, firm up his networks for hiding money and buying arms, corrupt the U.N.'s own debates over Iraq, greatly erode sanctions and deliberately prep the ground for further rearming, including the acquisition of nuclear weapons. As set up and run by the U.N., Oil-for-Food devolved into a depraved and increasingly dangerous mockery of what was advertised by the U.N. as a relief program for sick and starving Iraqis.So here we have Saddam Hussein, murderer of 500,000 Kurds, working with UN Security Council members to undermine the United States so that he could later resume production, acquisition, and eventual use of biological, chemical, and, yes, nuclear weapons. But naturally, the decision to remove Saddam was, according to Kerry, "wrong."
Last Friday, the seminary community held a little to-do in the common area surrounding the student housing. The main attraction was an enormous velcro wall, orginally made famous by David Letterman. I couldn't resist. | Moi Stuck on a Velcro Wall Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
It would be nice to think this was a somewhat crude attempt at irony, but given America's Ratherized media this seems unlikely. Just for the record, Allawi is not living in a fantasyland. He's living in Iraq, and he begins his day with a dangerous commute across Baghdad's ''Green Zone.'' John Kerry's regular commute, by contrast, is from his wife's beach compound at Nantucket to his wife's 15th century English barn reconstructed as a ski lodge in Idaho. Nonetheless, he's the expert on Iraq and the guy living there 24/7 is the fantasist, and he's happy to assure us the prime minister doesn't know what he's talking about. It's all going to hell, forget about those January elections, etc.For my part, the press has a lowsy record reporting on the successes in Iraq. The talking heads concluded that a transition from the CPA to an interim Iraqi government would have to be delayed. Instead, the transition happened early. Now these same doom-sayers are predicting a delayed election. On these and most other major events in Iraq, the press have got it wrong.
[I]f the war that he authorized needs funding, he's against it. If American troops need more body armor, he criticizes President Bush for not providing it. But if funding for such armor is in the $87 billion bill to fund the war, which he authorized and once supported but no longer supports even though he authorized it, he's against it.Et cetera. You get the point.
If — prior to readjusting fully to the Dean surge — he is asked about the $87 billion, he believes voting against it would be "irresponsible." Later — after vanquishing Dean, and as he tries to move to the center — if he is criticized for actually voting against the $87 billion, he explains that he voted for it, before voting against it. He voted for it because it would be wrong to abandon our troops, but he voted against it because it would be wrong to support the war the troops are fighting in, which he once supported, but now opposes, even though he supports the troops as long as they can fight it without new funding.
I first discovered her about a three weeks ago at the Austin SPCA. After hours of debate and consideration, I adopted Jodi today. Jodi is a 5-year old terrier mix, so she's already had a bit of training (including the all-important potty training) and she knows a few tricks. | Jodi Comes Home Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
About a week ago, I joined a small group of seminary friends to check out the much-heralded Congress Avenue Bridge bat flight. I was very excited to see my second bat flight in as many weeks. Earlier, during the long drive to Austin, my family decided to take a slight detour off of Interstate 10 to see Carlsbad Caverns and their daily bat flight. Impressive. The Congress Avenue display, however, was astonishing. Just after 8:00 p.m., the bridge expansion cracks disgorged about 1.5 million Mexican Freetails. Five to six thick streams of bats (and cubs) swarmed out in pursuit of their daily insectoid meals. | Bryce Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
Nowadays, the beloved bruiser-turned-minister sells grills and preaches the Word in his own church. Once upon a time, though, he was the meanest, most lethal cat around. His about-face began in 1977, after a tough split-decision loss in Puerto Rico.Other celebrity spirituality stories from the same article can be found here.
"I started thinking, 'I could go home and retire. I got money. I could retire right now to my ranch and die,' " he told Beliefnet.com. "And before I knew it, that had taken over my whole conversation -- you're gonna die. I realized I was going to die in that dressing room from a boxing match. ... It was like someone dropped me off in the deep sea -- no help. There was no way I could get out of this."
"I saw blood coming down my forehead, and I hadn't been hit in the boxing match. And I told my masseur, 'You move your hand because He's bleeding and they crucified Him.' And I started screaming words I never screamed before, that Jesus Christ was coming alive in me. And I jumped in the shower, started screaming, 'Hallelujah! I'm clean, I'm born again, I'm going out to save the world!' And they said, 'You better put on some clothes first.' "
So both groups are "politically motivated." Good for them. That's what multi-party democracy is all about. The New York Times and CBS News are also "politically motivated." So is this column. It's a political column, and it's "politically motivated." One day I'll start a ballet column, and that will be politically motivated.You can read the entire article here.
So now that we've got all the preening patrician media snobbery out of the way, would it be too much to expect so-called political journalists to investigate Kerry's Cambodian stories? You know, the way they did when the comparatively minor question arose of whether Bush was AWOL from his National Guard base three decades ago. Boy, The New York Times loved that one:February 4: "Military Service Becomes Issue in Bush-Kerry Race"As the Times put it, "Mr. Bush himself also made the issue of military service fair game by posturing as a swashbuckling pilot when welcoming a carrier home from Iraq."
February 11: "The President's Guard Service"
February 13: "Seeking Memories of Bush at an Alabama Air Base"
February 15: "Still the Question: What Did You Do in the War?"
Well, the other feller made his military service fair game by posturing as a swashbuckling Swift Boat lieutenant to the exclusion of the other 59 years and eight months of his life. The story now is not John Kerry's weird secret-agent fantasies but the media's willingness to act as elite guardians of them. They're his real "band of brothers," happy to fish him out of their water, even if their credibility sinks in the process.
An impressive edifice, the Texas State Capitol features an amazing dome. Click the image to navigate to a larger version. You should be able to make out the "Texas" letters surrounding the gold Lone Star. The Texas capitol is, naturally, the largest capitol building in the United States. The complete set of pics can be found here. | Texas Capitol Dome Interior Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
Naturally, Texas has three different signs welcoming visits to the state. This one is self-explanatory. There is also a decorate state-shaped sign, and a huge "Welcome to Texas!" sign. The complete set of pics can be found here. | Enterin' Texas Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
Yet another unexpected, beautiful sight. The Guadalupe mountain range is part of the National Park system. El Capitan rose slowly into view as we traveled easy on Interstate 10. At 8,749 feet, it's the highest point in Texas. The range is actually a huge, Permian-era limestone reef - anywhere from 230 to 290 million years ago. | The Guadalupe Mountains Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
Texas Canyon isn't in Texas, it's about 55 miles east of Tucson, Arizona. We were happily driving along when we came across this unexpected, stunning landscape. I insisted over the two-way that we stop at a nearby rest area to take in the sight of these huge boulders strewn about the Arizona wilderness. | The Drews at Texas Canyon Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
There is no real way to tell you how stressed out I was about the truck. A week before, I examined out a "sample" Budget truck and was quite confident that all of my stuff would fit inside the box. By moving day, however, I was in a big panic -- the movers thought the truck was too small. | Posing with The Truck Originally uploaded by whatnext. |
I LOVED it! I'm so grateful to have such wonderful friends, and this collage will be displayed proudly in my new Austin pad.
Kerry is being hoist by his own petard. Did he really think that he could launch his political career on discrediting the Vietnam war, including his role in it, and then complete that career by taking credit for fighting in it? Kerry has never persuasively explained why he deserves so much credit for fighting in a war he said was utterly discreditable. A pol who starts his career by saying "We wish that a merciful God could wipe away our own memories of that service" and then ends it by campaigning on those memories invites the backlash we've seen this week.Despite the furious indignation of the Bush-haters and DNC lawyers, this issue won't go away because it represents a fundamental structural problem with the Kerry/Edwards campaign storyline.
Look, I would rather talk about the war. The current one, I mean -- not the one that ended three decades ago. But, insofar as I understand the rules of Campaign 2004, every time any member of the administration says anything about the present conflict, he is accused by Democrats of shamelessly "politicizing" it. Whereas every time John Kerry waxes nostalgic about those fragrant memories of the Mekong Delta, he should be allowed to take his unending stroll down memory lane unmolested. After all, as everyone from John Edwards to Max Cleland to Bill Clinton has assured us, being a Swift boat commander for four months is the indispensable qualification for being president. When Hillary runs in 2008, no doubt she'll be leaning heavily on her four months running a Swift boat up and down the Shatt al-Arab during the Iraq war.Exactly.
But hang on, most of these fellows in the anti-Kerry ad -- the ones talking about how he can't be trusted, etc -- are also Swift boat commanders? If being a Swiftee is the most important thing in American life, why are all these "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth" less entitled to be heard than John Kerry?
I would never have imagined that journalists, academics, actors, artists, and the intelligentsia in general would have so opposed the end of dictatorship and promotion of democracy abroad. And who would have thought that Vietnam would become the source for Democratic nostalgia, rather than the usual recrimination? Did anyone think the appointment of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, promises of $15 billion in grants to combat AIDS in Africa, and lectures to the politically powerful Arab world to cease the genocide of black Sudanese would earn George Bush slurs evoking the Taliban, the old Confederacy, and fascism? Have we become children who live in a world of bedtime stories, afraid to face the cruel truth around us?Read the complete column here.
The European Commission has just annouced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of th EU rather than German which was the other possibility.Voila!
As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's Goverment conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five year phase-in plan that would be known as 'Euro-English'.
In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favor of the "k". This should klear up konfusion and keybords kan have one less lettre.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like "fotograf" 20% shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be ekspekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkorage the removel of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent "e"'s in the language is disgrasful, and they should go away.
By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps sush as a replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v". During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.
After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor truble or difkultis and evrivun vil find it ezi to understand ech ozer. Ze drem vil finali kum tru! And zen world!
copolymer ligand supremacy efflorescent dod guillemot absolution descend anther ascribe escalate educate wield boniface sightsee supervisory bottleneck abe geyser destruct invertible injure derby daly chinamen flick hanna crosswise cockleshell chairman knotty decca clattery prepare aleck sandra abridge beater bonneville inoculate prophesy convect effluvium declarative australia resorcinol seaquake aromatic vale advisee acrimonious teeth dickey councilwoman univariate cerulean cookbook risk commiserate frown flatworm cast bracket countryside belgrade borderland inhabitation nebulous cataclysmic antiperspirant ...... Etc. What is the point?
Weblogs occupy an increasingly important place in American politics. Their influence presents a puzzle: given the disparity in resources and organization vis-à-vis other actors, how can a collection of decentralized, nonprofit, contrarian, and discordant websites exercise any influence over political and policy outputs? This paper answers that question by focusing on two important aspects of the “blogosphere”: the distribution of readers across the array of blogs, and the interactions between significant blogs and traditional media outlets. Under specific circumstances – when key weblogs focus on a new or neglected issue – blogs can socially construct an agenda or interpretive frame that acts as a focal point for mainstream media, shaping and constraining the larger political debate.Interesting stuff!
ARCHIVE MISHAPS [Fr. George W. Rutler]Great continuing coverage here, including a document pants/socks stuffing contest.
On a recent visit to the library of Trinity College, Dublin, about seventy pages of the Book of Kells inadvertently fell into my underwear. To my surprise, I later found several major illuminated pages in my socks. If the library wants these pages back, I'll see what I can find, although my desk is always a mess, as everyone knows. I assumed the library had photocopies of the whole Book. So it is no big deal. In fact, when I mentioned this to my friends at the Vatican Library, they all had a good laugh. I do not understand all the fuss. I must say that I find the timing suspicious. Everyone knows that in the late eighth century the Vikings tried to grab these pages, and where were the investigative reporters then? Fortunately, I have entrusted these items to an antiquarian friend in Chappaqua.
PS Silly me: My dry cleaner tells me that the original Donation of Constantine somehow found its way into the lining of one of my jackets. I have always been neglectful of my dress.
In many ways, it now falls to the political blogs to do the work one would expect from the mainstream media--to provide a fair and balanced picture of situation in Iraq. It's the blogs that dig up the information, disseminate it, and bring to everyone's attention the more outrageous examples of media bias or carelessness with facts. As John Leo wrote recently, "What's new about the press is that so many people who follow it with a critical eye now have an outlet to howl about inaccuracy and partisanship. The big media used to be able to shrug off critics like this. Now they can't."Long live the blog!
LORD, hear my prayer, and let my cry come before you; hide not your face from me in the day of my trouble.I love the Lord, because he has heard the voice of my supplication, because he has inclined his ear to me whenever I called upon him.
Incline your ear to me; when I call, make haste to answer me,
For my days drift away like smoke, and my bones are hot as burning coals.
My heart is smitten like grass and withered, so that I forget to eat my bread.
Because of the voice of my groaning I am but skin and bones.
I have become like a vulture in the wilderness, like an owl among the ruins.
I lie awake and groan; I am like a sparrow, lonely on a house top.
The great conflict of the 21st century will not be between the West and terrorism. Terrorism is a tactic, not a belief. The true battle will be between modern civilization and anti-modernists; between those who believe in the primacy of the individual and those who believe that human beings owe their allegiance and identity to a higher authority; between those who give priority to life in this world and those who believe that human life is mere preparation for an existence beyond life; between those who believe in science, reason, and logic and those who believe that truth is revealed through Scripture and religious dogma. Terrorism will disrupt and destroy lives. But terrorism itself is not the greatest danger we face.Ramesh responds:
This goes well beyond the common denunciation of "fundamentalism" where that term is meant to describe an ideology that seeks the imposition of religious views on non-believers. (That's what Andrew Sullivan means when he uses the term.) It is a denunciation — as a graver threat than terrorists — of people who believe that the world to come is more important than this world, or that all human beings owe their allegiance to God.I join Ramesh in his prayers for peaceful coexistence, but I think Reich's comment points to a coming conflict that is unavoidable, particularly in a nation where a significant segment of the population classifies religious belief as a threat worse than terrorism; and where there is increasing tendency within US judiciary to craft law out of whole cloth, and to change basic cultural institutions without any regard for the electorate.
Q110261: Airframe Damage from Stress Causes Aircraft to Explode "This functionality is oversensitive in Flight Simulator 5.0; any stress applied to the aircraft causes it to tear apart when this option is selected."Much more here.